The Five Loaves Project


About us

Our aim is to empower people who want to get involved with property but don’t have the right resources, help and support to do so. Five Loaves offers specialist property advice and support to help you on your journey through our range of online courses, expert consultation services and our “Kingdom Property Summit” networking event.
We want to partner with your vision by helping you get off the ground, as the right time to start investing is now! 

Five Loaves was founded by Ngoni Rivete a firm believer and follower of Jesus Christ who has a strong conviction to help other Christians get involved in property regardless of their circumstances, sharing Biblical principles on wealth and why Christians need to be property owners. “But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat. And they say unto Him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. He said, Bring them hither to Me.” Matthew 14:16-18 KJV 

This story is significant to our vision because with just five loaves and two fishes Jesus fed five thousand, despite the disciples doubting what they initially had. We believe, that if you’re getting started in property with minimal resources and very little investment all you require is the right help and assistance to enable your five loaves to feed thousands! 

Remember the Bible says “For faith without works is dead.” So what are you waiting for? Get a hold of our course and book a call with us today, let’s build together! 

Save More

Learn how to put more money aside each month.

Eliminate Debt

Cut debt from your life and create positive habits.

Invest Smarter

Learn how to invest and reach your goals faster.

Our Values

We aim to establish long lasting relationships with every one of our clients, meaning we trade with all transparency and honesty not wanting to compromise our Christian values or fail to deliver on our promises. Discrimination due to culture, ethnicity or beliefs is not acceptable here at Five Loaves we treat all our clients with respect and dignity as we believe in Unity. Our network aims to embrace diversity and cultural differences in compliance to the Equality Act 2010. We intend on making our network and community a safe place which does not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment. 

Thinking big is one of our main motives here and so we are very ambitious when dealing with all of our clients desiring nothing but the best outcome for all. 

The world as we know it today is constantly evolving, that’s why we aim to continually develop our services to provide you with the best quality training and guidance in order to help advance your property journey.

"I felt frustrated and helpless, but I had worked too hard to let my dreams slip away. I dove into financial literacy and came up with a system that allowed me to eliminate debt, save more, and invest for my future. Now I empower others on their journey to financial freedom." - Ngoni Rivete (Founder)